Saturday, November 23, 2013

Be fearless

What are you afraid of?  What would YOU do if fear didn't control you?  Would you go to a movie by yourself, would you eat dinner by yourself at a nice restaurant, try yoga (Hint: YOU SHOULD), go on a fabulous trip...or would you try to surf (even though the water is cool)?

Fear can control us on many levels and ultimately prevent us from doing and better yet experiencing some pretty amazing things.

For me (as of late), I am in total awe of the surfers in the water in November.  I have tried surfing before...once in San Diego which was nice because the waves roll a bit slower there (not sure if that is official surfer lingo but you get the drift).  From there, I decided to go to Costa Rico for surf camp for a week.  That was really hard.  Surfing takes some serious core strength and coordination (which I seriously lack).  But as I watch the surfers, I am in total awe...and even more impressed when they are out there in full body wetsuits.  So, I am making it a goal to try it (even though it's kind of hard and the water is not super warm).  It may still be hard...and I may suck at it...but that's not gonna stop me.

Sidebar:  You may have noticed that I have been blogging more....let's just say the words are pouring out a bit more lately.

Anyway, what would YOU do if you were not afraid?  Go do it...or just start working towards it!

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