Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy (frightful) Halloween!

That probably sounds a bit crazy, right?  A few weeks ago, I became friends with one of the yoga instructors at my new studio down South.  We were  recently talking about handstands and inversions in general.  She said that they tend to scare a lot of people....but since it's almost Halloween we agreed to do handstand Wednesday today.  I was in heaven.  I love all inversions, but particularly handstand and headstand.  As I was talking this morning with a few other students, they admitted that handstands scare them terribly.  I realized in this moment that I have never been scared of handstands.  I was more frustrated that I couldn't do them when I started practicing more routinely a few years ago.  So what did I do?  I went home and practiced them regularly to a point I can do them more then not (mind you with a wall behind me).  It all stems from my instructors at my last studio in NYC taught handstands and inversions REGULARLY.  It was a regular occurrence so I never learned to be scared of them.  Now that said, there are definitely various things in class and on my mat that are NOT my favorite. Ironically (read: not so much), we did a few of those things this am.

Anyway, my point in this blog is go do something that scares you....what's the harm?  You may find you like it (eventually).  Everyone is scared of something.   Maybe it won't work out the way you want or maybe it will...but EVERY SINGLE TIME I would rather have tried and failed then never try at all.  And if we do things that push us out our comfort zone, we grow daily!  Happy (frightful) Halloween!!

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