Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Let's shake things up like a snow globe

One of my yoga instructors once said: "Let's go upside down and shake things up like a snow globe."  I've always been drawn to inversions in my yoga practice, particularly handstand and headstand.

A few months after I started practicing yoga, I went home to "practice" both headstand and handstand against a wall.  Have you ever been in a NYC apartment?  There is not much room.  First, I had to move some furniture around to get a wall I could practice on.  I practiced as I watched TV in the evenings.  Let me be frank.  It was NOT pretty at first.  I just could not figure either forward in July, one of NYC yoga instructors asked me to demo a handstand and then went on to say: "Wow, your handstand has gotten really good."  Mind you, she was the one who spotted me the first time I tried it.

There is something very childlike about doing inversions.  I am in awe of the joy over simple things that kids have.  I love going upside down.  Sometimes, it just feels right to be upside down.  Anyway, I am a big fan of a headstand or handstand every day...sometimes I even do both!!  I double dog DARE you try a headstand or handstand today!  Go!  Now!  I bet you like it.

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