Friday, December 20, 2013

#TeamLean - 2014 Challenge

It's December which means tons of eating and drinking for most of's means that the holidays are upon us.  And, no matter how much we love the holidays, most people can feel a bit frenetic (meaning "fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way").  

In an effort to "stay grounded" and ensure the scale does not tip beyond our comfort level, #TeamLean implemented a #30DayWorkout that started on 11/24 and ends on Christmas Day!  #TeamLean is a group of us that live across the country that hold each other accountable for working out and living a healthier lifestyle.  And because we are complete geeks, we often tweet about our daily (or lack thereof) workouts.  

#TeamLean has decided to start a #40DayChallenge on New Year's Day that will run through February 9th.  Everyone is taking their own twist on it - some of us will work out every day for 40 days (mind you a 10 minute walk counts in our book), others are giving up alcohol (oh dear lord) and others are giving up dessert.  Do you need some extra motivation?  Do you wanna join #TeamLean and our #40DayChallenge in 2014.  It's all about about #errrdamnday (and sometimes about #mostdamndays)!!

Let me know if you wanna join #TeamLean and our #40DayChallenge!!

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