Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Every one of us knows fear

Below is yet another quote from this fabulous book I am reading:

"Every one of us knows fear.  So well!  It encircles us like flies around ox dung.  It puts animal to flight.  They bolt and run or fly or swim until they believe themselves safe or until they keel over dead from exhaustion.  Humans are no wiser.  We see that there is no place on earth where we can hide from fear, yet still we attempt to find one.  We strive for wealth and power.  We abandon ourselves to the illusion that we are stronger than fear.  We try to rule - over our children and our wives, over our neighbors and our friends. Ambition and fear have something in common: neither knows any limits.  But with power and wealth it just as with opium I sampled more than once in my youth - neither keeps its promises.  Opium never brought me eternal happiness.  It only demanded more and more of me.  Money and power do not vanquish fear.  There is only one force more powerful then fear."

Read that a second time - go and do it!  It's got a TON of good nuggets in it!  HERE is the first quote I posted from this lovely book.

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