Today is an emotional day for me for several reasons:
1) It was my last day at my current company. Am starting at a great new company on 7/23 with ridiculously smart people, but it's hard leaving the people and work behind that I've done.
2) One year ago today I had to do one of the hardest things of my life to date...I had to part ways with Nole the dog (my 14.5 year old sweet black lab).
So, as I deal with these emotions, I decided to spend the afternoon at the spot where her ashes rest writing....why? Because it's what I do when I need to think.
In honor of the sweet girl Nole, I want to celebrate her life with a Top 10 List of some of my favorite memories:
10. Chilling at the park
9. Playing in the fall leaves
8. The Houdini Dog - To this day I have no idea how you did it, but you always got out of that crate....I was amazed!!
7. How you destroyed everything for years...and I still loved you! You were pure terror when bored.
6. The day we were playing in my yard in NC and you accidentally knocked my mom and I still laugh at that.
5. Catching you humping with Duncan the dog (that's for Christy)
4. The undying love you had for knew when I was in a bad mood and just needed you to curl up on the sofa with me!
3. Your love for running. You will always be my favorite running partner. You helped me train for several marathons and half marathons.
2. The pure joy you got be playing in the snow - who knew you were a snow dog from The South (ie Yadkinville, NC...which translates as BFE for those reading this)
1. The sweetest day was when dad and I went to get you. You just curled up in my lap. That was the moment I knew we were meant to be.
I miss you tons baby girl. I know you are better off...I am thinking about you today! I love you tons!!
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